Weekend Watch – 02/02/2018

Welcome to the Weekend Watch. Where we try to point you towards the best ways to spend your viewing time (or, at least, steer you clear of the garbage).


Wide Release


Loren: First and foremost, enough with the god damn trailers for trailers. It’s infuriating. Secondly, yes please. I’ve heard the “real” side of this story before but this looks like a fun and creepy twist on that. In.

RDT: This looks pretty good. And I have no doubt I will likely only ever see it from Rick’s kitchen.


Jen: Helen Mirren makes everything better.

Limited Release



Loren: They’re really trying hard to make Karl Droggo an action star, aren’t they. This looks perfectly cromulent (thanks for pointing that out, Rick!).

RDT: Well that sure does look like a movie.

Rick: Braven? Is that even a word? Is that like embiggen? I have doubts about its cromulence.

Jen: So this isn’t the sequel to Brave? Not that I want a sequel to Brave. I’m just saying this title is misleading in a number of ways.


Bucky & The Squirrels

Loren: Woof. The only positive thing I can say about this disaster of a mockumentary is at least they added the displaced from time aspect to change it up. Still, this looks fucking awful.


Rick: I’m sorry I put this on the list. I owe you all a beer. (I don’t drink beer. Can I get chocolate milk instead? –RDT)

Jen: Oh Richard Lewis, remember when you were on Anything But Love? Those were the days.

A Fantastic Woman

Loren: Is that dude the Chilean (I had to look it up) Jeremy Irons? That’s all I got.

RDT: Eh, I’m good.

Rick: This is the rare year where I haven’t seen any of the Foreign Language Film nominees. Definitely need to remedy that.

Jen: This looks fascinating, but I can’t imagine myself ever seeing it.

Have a Nice Day

Loren: I don’t know where I’m going to see it, but I dig what I just watched.

RDT: Didn’t really grab me.

Rick: Yep. Absolutely.

Jen: You guys, I *think* I don’t like animation. I’m sorry to admit it, but I just can’t feign any interest regardless of subject matter.

Lies We Tell

Loren: Why did that look like a 2nd rate UK cable made for TV movie? Could have been interesting. Oh well.

RDT: I have no feelings about this movie.

Rick: *half-hearted shrug*

Jen: So… a movie then? Meh.

Living Among Us

Loren: Fun fact: I used to work with the second anchor from those news bits at the beginning. For my thoughts just read Rick’s entry.

RDT: I’m all for a new take on the vampire mythology. I would just like it to be, you know, good.

Rick: Feels like that movie we covered last year, The Monster Project, just with slightly more focus. All the docu-style shaky-cam really puts me off. The only vampires living among us stories I want to see on screen are those from Charlie Huston’s Joe Pitt novels. Though those will work far better as a TV series. Do that, Hollywood!

Jen: See Loren’s response re: Rick’s response.

The Music of Silence

Loren: I didn’t even finish the trailer. I don’t need a biopic about Andrea Bocelli.


Rick: I got everything I needed about that story from the trailer.

Jen: With all the great docs out there I feel like this slips toward the back of the pack.

Scorched Earth

Loren: Once again a movie that looks like it should be a TV series and not a feature. Oh well, it looks fine for what it is.

RDT: Welcome back, Gina Carano. I have no other thoughts on this trailer.

Rick: Fitting that most recent post-apocalypse movies are centered on global warming instead of the tried and true nuclear war. As for this flick, it looks okay. I appreciate the nod to 1966’s Django, and it looks action-y enough that it’ll make decent lazy afternoon fare.

Jen: Nothing is blowing my skirt up this week you guys. Can I say that in a post-Trump America?



Absentia – Season 1

Loren: There’s some good looking stuff in there. If I remember to watch it I may give it a go.

RDT: Apparently, I forgot to post my feelings on this. Yup.

Rick: Intriguing. I’ll give the pilot a shot.

Jen: I’m so glad she bounced back after the whole “Castle” thing. Good for her. I probably won’t watch this.


Strike Back – Season 5

Loren: Didn’t watch seasons 1-4 yadda yadda yadda. Is this the one that’s kinda half Skinemax half action show?

RDT: What Loren said.

Rick: This show has been on for five years?!

Jen: Nope. I refuse to believe this is a show that already exists. How big is the rock I live under?



Altered Carbon – Season 1





Coach Snoop – Season 1

Loren: My roommate has been watching Last Chance U on Netflix for the last few days. This has a very similar (if not more homogenized) feel to it. I don’t know that I’ll ever get around to it, but it looks pretty great all things considered.

RDT: So, Friday Night Snoop? Seriously though, despite seeming manipulative as hell, it still looks pretty good. I’m neither a Snoop nor football fan though, so I doubt I’ll ever watch it.

Rick: When I saw the title and the still frame on the trailer, I immediately thought this was going to be some kind of wacky comedy. I could not have been more wrong. Having worked in reality television for ages, knowing how the sausage is made has stripped way my desire to watch it. However, this looks excellent. I hope it does well.

Jen: Huh, that was not what I was expecting, but I am intrigued. Good for Snoop!



The Trade – Season 1

Loren: I don’t get Showtime anymore, but if I did I might be interested in this. It’s going to be a tough watch though.

RDT: What Loren said.

Rick: Like Coach Snoop above, this looks excellent, but I’m never going to get around to it.

Jen: The guys already said it all.

So that’s your upcoming weekend in review. Let us know what you saw, liked and/or hated.

As always, you can find us on Facebook at facebook.com/hollywoodpicturenews, or @HWPicNews on Twitter. And send in your questions/comments to questions@hollywoodpicturenews.com.om Hollywood,Loren, RDT, Rick, and Jen

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